The Sectional Sno-Pusher is manufactured by Arctic Snow and Ice Control Products. Created by experienced snow and ice management contractor Randy Strait, the pusher includes many specially designed features to enhance safety, as well as improve plowing efficiency.
The sno-pusher is comprised of individual 60 cm moldboard sections and equipped with spring loaded trip edges that move up and down independently and contour to the surface, enabling large piles of snow to be cleared in one pass. Designed to eliminate follow-up plowing, AR-400 hardened steel cutting edges scrape compact snow and ice down to the pavement. In addition, the mechanical side panels move upon impact to easily clear objects up to 23 cm high. The shifting moldboards and side panels allow the rest of the pusher to remain level for easy operation in parking lots with numerous curbs and other obstructions.
The pusher's design and unique features combine to allow it the ability to clear virtually all snow from the pavement in just one pass. No need for follow-up plowing, a common downfall associated with typical one-piece moldboard snow pushers. The Sectional Sno-Pusher eliminates the expense to own and operate, or sub-contract a plow truck, and will pay for itself within the first winter of average use.
Please visit the following link: for more information and contact us concerning specific models and pricing inquiries.